David J. Sutherland

David J. Sutherland is a therapist working with clients in the UK, Europe and internationally. He is a Member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) & the National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists (NCIP). He is a graduate of The Metanoia Institute (London, UK) and Postgraduate in Psychosexual and Relationship therapy. He has held a private practice for more than ten years. 

He has experience working in both private practice and agency settings, including the Terrence Higgins Trust (London, UK). Since 2020, David has lived in Barcelona, accompanied by an Australian Cobberdog and self-proclaimed therapy assistant named Campa, who may join during in-person sessions.

His time is divided between his private practice, the collaborative work with Evan and a focused and specialised practice in enmeshment therapy.

For the past 15+ years, David has been fortunate to meet many experienced teachers, mentors and supervisors who have informed and continue to influence his clinical practice. His practice is currently supervised and mentored by an established Jungian Analyst based in London, UK.

Evan Worldwind

Evan Worldwind is Certified in Neuro-Linguistic Revisioning Coaching, a practitioner of the Yang Family-Style of Tai-Chi Chuan, a Storyteller and a transmitter of the Mystical Didgeridoo.

Evan grew up in the mountains of Jamaica and served for many years as a US Marine. He is a father, now living between New York, US and Barcelona, Spain. 

For more than 20 years, Evan’s journey into the transformational arts makes it clear that healing starts at home within the human vessel—a psychological exploration, a knowing that opens doors for conscious and desirable experiences.

Without any opposition or the slightest of doubts, throughout his years of studies, Evan kept hearing that voice within, saying to look from behind the eyes and believe—a reminder of how simple things can be.

His aim is to awaken people to a sense of their present imaginary possession, to help them to realise their connection to the artist within as a source of all life expression.

In Collaboration

In 2021, David and Evan met in Barcelona and found a shared understanding of what the healing process entails. Their journeys in learning and life experiences vary, but they share perspectives that ground therapy in compassionate exploration. They meet the client where they are—understanding that change requires finding a path through, however difficult that may be.

Both have experience working with sensitive presentations, challenging client situations, stuck systems and those between worlds or stories. Their respective practices honours the work each has accomplished in their lifetimes and looks to consolidate this held knowledge with new learnings.